About ICC Slovenia

Welcome to the Slovenian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Slovenia). Established in 2001 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the Bank Association of Slovenia, ICC Slovenia serves as the exclusive Slovenian affiliate of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia hosts and manages ICC Slovenia.

As a longstanding member of ICC—the world’s largest business organization representing over 45 million companies in more than 100 countries—ICC Slovenia actively promotes international trade, responsible business conduct, and a global approach to regulation. Through a unique combination of advocacy, business solutions, and dispute resolution services, we support the Slovenian business community in navigating the complexities of global commerce.

Our mission:

  • To promote international trade, services, and investment while eliminating obstacles and distortions in global commerce.
  • To advocate for a market economy based on the principles of free and fair competition among enterprises.
  • To foster economic growth in both developed and emerging economies.
  • To represent Slovenian commercial, professional service, and industrial enterprises within the international business community.
  • To coordinate the activities of the Slovenian business community and represent its interests in dealings with national and international bodies on matters related to international trade.
  • To encourage self-regulation within the business sector.

ICC Slovenia
c/o Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Slovenia, Dimiceva 13
Tel: +386 1 58 98 000
Fax: +386 1 58 98 100
Email:  nc@icc-slo.si
mag. Marko Djinović, Secretary General